Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 12, 2010

Unlock iPhone 4 Baseband 02.10

We know that most of you are willing to see this but we think that you'll have to wait just a bit longer. Anyway, just to decrease the confusion, since Ultrasn0w 1.2 was released 2 days ago to unlock iPhone 3GS / 3G, the iPhone Dev Team has started to work on unlocking iPhone 4 baseband 02.10.04.. Wait for good news soon!
It's now recommended to follow us on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook then retweet the post by clicking the button below and share it on Facebook with your friends to spread the article. We'll post the ETA as soon as possible, more updates as they come! Stay tuned!

P.S. Also for Untethered jailbreak on iOS 4.2.1, follow this guy on Twitter.
Dev-Team đã bắt làm việc chi Ip4

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